Arts & Culture

The Fabric of Guernsey

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4, 6 Mansell St, Guernsey GY1 1JT

01481 200400 View Map Visit Website

Art for Guernsey's current exhibition, The Fabric of Guernsey, tells the history and stories of the 'guernsey' through a selection of commissioned artworks by Sally Ede-Golightly. 

The exhibition is a collaboration between Art for Guernsey and Le Tricoteur, with each piece of artwork being paired with a unique guernsey.

A ‘guernsey’ is a knitted jumper that has been traditionally made in Guernsey since the early 1800s. It was originally worn by fishermen due to its resilience and has since become an important item of clothing that many people from all across the world are proud to own. Fishermen’s wives would knit jumpers for their families and the skill has been passed on through generations, so these garments hold a special place in the hearts of islanders.

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