
Tower to Tower Walk/Run 2024

No further occurrences

Meet at Vazon Bay Car Park

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The Guernsey Alzheimer's Association returns for its annual Tower to Tower Walk and Run which is open to everyone. If you are a keen runner and would like to participate in this 13K route from Vazon Bay car park and enjoy running the coastal path to L'Ancresse or if you would rather take a leisurely walk with the family or a long walk with your dog you would be most welcome. Water stations are situated along the course. Marshals will also be in attendance along the route to assist you.

The runners will start from Vazon Bay car park sharp at 9.00 am followed directly after by the walkers. Everyone that competes the course will receive a medal. Upon your arrival at the north end of L'Ancresse at Tower No. 5 you will receive very welcome refreshments.

Sign up now and in doing so you will provide the financial support the Guernsey Alzheimer's Association require to help and support those caring for people with dementia offering practical and emotional support.

£60/team of 5
Under 12s free

Click here to book

Event disclaimer

By registering for this event all participants (or adults on behalf of participating children in their care) declare they have read, understood and agreed the following:

a) I am fully aware of the actual and potential risks of participating in this event.

b) I will not participate in the event unless I am medically fit on the date and that, in any case, I will take part entirely at my own risk.

c) To the extent permitted by law, I accept that the organisers and sponsors of the event will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, costs or expense which may arise as a consequence of my participation in the event.

d) I grant my permission to Guernsey Alzheimer's Association and its sponsors to use or authorise others to use photographs, motion pictures, recordings, data or any other record of my participation in this event for any legitimate purpose without remuneration.

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